FastCommerce Frequently Asked Questions


How do I set up "Contact Us" and "FAQs" for my store?

    Go to "Storefront" on the back end. Go to "web pages": there you will see the "Create a page" function. You will see all the pages already set up. Go in, create your contact information, save, and then click "Go to My Store". Scroll down to the bottom of the site and you will see the live link there.

I have created a FastCommerce account. What do I do next?

    Once you have your account, you simply need to go back to the FastCommerce homepage. There you will find a login. To access your back-office and store builder, simply enter in your email address and password you used to register. You will then be logged back into your account. Always access your account through the FastCommerce homepage login.

What is my store URL?

    When you initially start building your store you get a "sub-domain", which is the address where your store is located. Your address will look like You can control or change this address in the back-office management module: go to "Storefront", and then go to "Domain Setup". There you will see a field called "Free Sub-domain". This is your store address. Initially, you can modify it, but once your store is set up it will be very important not to modify this address.

When I log into my account, it takes be to the back-office. How do I find my store?

    When you are in the back-office you will always see in the upper right corner a link "Go to my store". Simply click on this link to access the latest version of your store. When you make changes to your store, this link will let you see those changes on your store right away.

I have created some products, but how do I get them on the home page?

    If you want to post products to your storefront homepage, simply go to the "Storefront" tab in the back office. Then click on the tab for "Web Pages". This brings up the storefront editor. Click on the ¡®home page" (with the icon of a house): this will bring up the home page editor. Look closely and you will find the "Add Featured Products" tab. Click on this, select your products, then hit save. You then "exit" the homepage editor. Then click on "Go to My Store" to see the featured products on your store.

I go to review changes to my store. But how do I get back to the back-office management module?

    It is easy if you use a multi-tab browser like Firefox. When you click on "Go to my store" you create a new tab. The new tab will have will have your store name. To find the tab for the back-office, simply look for the tab that says "FastCommerce": you will find your back-office management module under this tab: going back and forth between tabs makes for quick navigation.

I have created products. Why are they not showing up in my store?

    When you create a product, you will need to assign it to a product category. Otherwise, a product will not show up in the store. You can assign a product to an unlimited number of categories, or sub-categories. Or you can make a product a "Featured Product".

I make changes to my store, but when I go to the store, the changes are not there?

    When you build your store, or make changes, the changes will be visible. But any changes will not be permanent until you hit the "Save" button, for example, at the bottom of the product page in the back-office store builder. Make changes, then hit the save button to make them permanent.

Where do I go to create categories?

    Simply click on the "Overview" tab; then click on the "New Category" link. This will take you to the Category management module. You can create or edit your category tree from here.

How do I set up PayPal?

    To accept credit card payments on your store through PayPal, simply go to the "Set Up" on the back end management module and click on the PayPal tab. For the PayPal Website Payments Standard, simply enter your PayPal account email address and then save. Your store will automatically accept credit card payments through PayPal.

Where do I set up my Google Analytics?

    Set up a Google Analytics account, sign in and go to "Analytic Settings". You want to "Add a web site profile". Add the domain address for your FastCommerce store. When you hit the "finish" tab you will have generated a "Web ID". It will look like the following: UA-6525447-3. Copy the Web ID and then go to "Set Up" in your FastCommerce back office. Scroll down to Google Analytics. Paste in the Web Id, along with your Google email and password, and then click save. Your store will be integrated with Google Analytics.

How do I get my own domain on my store?

    Click on the "Storefront" tab and go to "Domain Setup". There you will see a tab called "Get your very own domain". Simply click on this tab and purchase your own domain. Your domain will be automatically assigned to your store.

    If you already have a domain, check with the recorded seminar under "Webinar and Events" on the FastCommerce homepage. The seminar is called "Hosting your own domain." It will walk you through the steps to get your current domain hosted on your store.

I have just received an email that I have a new order. What do I do next?

    Simply go to the FastCommerce homepage and login in using your email and password. Then go to the orders tab. You will be able to process your new order from there.

How do I upload an image to my homepage?

    To upload an image to your storefront homepage, simply to the back office management module and click on the "Storefront" tab. Then click on the tab for "Web Pages": This will bring up the Home Page Editor which has an icon in the image of a "house".

    In the home page area, there are 5 areas where you can upload images, banners, create links and/or messaging. By clicking on any given section, you activate the HTML editor for that area. Go to the HTML editor: you will see on the left side a yellow "postcard" of the sun and mountains: this is the icon for the "Image Insert". Clicking on the icon brings up the "Image Insert" editor. Clicking on the browse tab activates the "Image File Manager". Upload, or click on the image you want to install on your homepage, click save, and then hit save again. Click on the "Go to my store" in the back office to view the newly uploaded image on your storefront